When you order, you can now sign-up a personal savings subscription for your favorite products. You save 10% on every delivery. We have more details for you below:
Which delivery frequency can I choose?
You can choose between 1, 2, 3 and 4 months.
Are there any delivery costs for the subscription if the amount is less than the minimum amount required for free shipping to my country?
How can I edit my subscription? Can I exchange my products?
You can edit your subscription via the subscription portal. You will receive the link to do this in your confirmation email. In the portal, you can add products to your subscription or change the quantity, delivery interval, next delivery and delivery address for each individual product.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You will find the option to cancel your subscription at the bottom of each product. Alternatively, you can of course also contact our customer service. Instead of canceling your subscription, you also have the option of skipping a delivery.
Can I buy a subscription for family and friends as a gift?
Yes, by simply changing the delivery address but entering your own details in the payment method.
Does a discount campaign / free gift also count towards the subscriptions?